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Ramsgate Small Boat Owners Association - Logo


Here you can find details of the Associations history, and it's current work and membership.


The Association was founded in the early 1950's by local people who enjoyed boating and fishing. These pioneers met monthly above the Freemasons in High Street.

Around 1978 the current building, which was in a dilapidated state, was purchased by the members by raising debenture shares, thus alleviating the need for a mortgage. Members with the necessary skills then began the arduous task of bringing the building into a habitable state. This building was opened in 1979.


  • To provide, subject to availability, moorings for boats up to 8 metres or under at a reduced rate.
  • To represent the members' interest with regard to the amenities within the Royal Harbour of Ramsgate.
  • To further good relations between all boat owners.

The Association Today

Today the Association negotiates a block rate for the moorings with Thanet District Council. Working parties are held to place and repair moorings, which members are asked to attend. There are social evenings every Friday night, and a committee meeting is also held on the first Friday of every month.

Other events are organised throughout the year, including fishing competitions and boat meets. The best thing about the Association is that there is always helpful advice available for members from other members with expertise.

The Association Today